Is West Hills a good place to live?
West Hills in a popular neighborhood in West San Fernando Valley and people often ask if it is a good place to live.
West Hills is mostly a residential neighborhood with many parks and great schools. There are many young families living in West Hills and people are well educated and friendly. This neighborhood is conveniently located near shopping centers and is close to the 101 freeway.
West Hills is considered to be a good place to live.
West Hills is rated C+ for safety, meaning that the crime rate is about the same as the average city in the US. It is in the 47th percentile for safety, which means that 53% of the cities are safer and 47% are more dangerous. More information is available.
If you are looking for a home to buy in the Western San Fernando Valley, contact David Salmanson, your Local Realtor with any questions. David is very knowledgeable about this area and specializes in buying and selling homes and offers free consultation for all his clients.
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Please call David if you are interested in viewing one of the West Hills homes for sale.
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